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Postboks 277 Sentrum, 9615 Hammerfest

Visit: Guovdageaidnu / Kautokeino

BIRRA is the term for Elle Sofe Company’s outreach concept and offers services in addition to the performances. Through Birra, we offer various meetings points between the company, the audience and the local community. We want to make our art available to a diversity of people, needs and interests and leave an impact on the places we visit.

We offer workshops in dance, voice usage, project work and tailor-made offers. We also offer touch tours before the performances, matinee performances where the audience can come and go freely as needed, post-show talks, moderated conversations and mentoring for younger artists.

Get in touch if you are interested in this or want more information. Together, we can find a good way to adapt these services to the groups we will meet.

Lecture demonstration in Yoik – Sámi singing tradition

A Sámi traditional yoiker from the company will give an insight to the Sámi yoiking tradition from their area. The audience will hear examples of different kinds of yoiks and learn how the yoiks are connected to different areas and Sámi families.

«Relaxed» performance

We offer matinee performances during daytime, where we maintain a more “relaxed” atmosphere throughout the show, allowing the audience to enter and exit the venue as needed. These performances are tailored for parents with small children, seniors, or those who require a more relaxed atmosphere to accommodate various needs.

Curated talk

We offer curated talks with someone from Elle Sofe Company. We can suggest themes and topics or adjust to the venues wishes. Elle Sofe works closely with her performers and artistic collaborators, therefore it is also relevant that collaborators participate in the talks. 

Touch tour

Elle Sofe Company offers a touch tour prior to the performance. The tour is designed for audience members with reduced visual sight, who benefits from being close and touching the materials on stage and costume elements. Other audience members who for other reasons need a tactile introduction to the performance are also welcome. The tour will be a guidance to the performance led by our tour manager and some members of the cast. Limited number of spaces; max 20 people.

“This minimalist framework leaves plenty of room for the performances of the artists whose voices accompany us long after leaving the room. »

Yanik Comeau, Theatralites

Outreach elderly

To ensure that our performance is accessible and enjoyable for the elderly, we offer the opportunity to meet a designated guide who will accompany elderly audience members in the outdoor part of the performance. Additionally, we reserve front-row seats for the elderly attendees.

Workshop in contemporary dance

The workshop is led by a dancer from Elle Sofe Company. The workshop focuses on how we develop power and massiveness through conscious use of weight and gravity, both individually and in groups. We also incorporate voice into some of the exercises, inviting participants into the artistic landscape that the company works in in a simple way.

Workshop in Vocal Techniques

The workshop is led by one of the singers/yoikers from Elle Sofe Company. We focus on vocal techniques within a choir setting and exploring various aspects of the voice, including harmony. We will also delve into what yoiking is, its characteristics, and the distinctions between singing and yoiking.

Yoik workshop for Sámi groups

A traditional yoiker from the company will share their knowledge about yoik and yoiking for Sámi groups. The workshop focuses on finding your own yoiking voice and insights in how to find yoiks from your own Sámi area.

Elle Sofe Sara’s work is visually stunning and her engaging performances and films share insight into traditional Sámi culture that resonate with contemporary issues.

In her work Sara focuses our attention on visually striking details from Sámi culture that bring new appreciation and understanding of both tradition and our current lives.
Stine Nilsen, CEO and Artistic Director, CODA Oslo International Dance Festival