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Postboks 277 Sentrum, 9615 Hammerfest

Visit: Guovdageaidnu / Kautokeino


Asking for permission


Vuollegašvuođain bivddán lobi
Báikkis bivddán lobi leahkit
Attán lohpádusa báikái, eatnamii
guođđit nu mo gávdnen

Asking for permission with humbleness
Asking this place permission to be here
Giving a promise to this place and land
To leave it as I found it

Luohtedáhkki/ Composer: Sara Marielle Gaup Beaska
Dajahusat/ Text: Elle Sofe Sara, Sara Marielle Gaup Beaska




The answer is land


Gažaldat eana, vástádus eana
Váldit dušše maid dárbbaša
Álo álmmastit miehterávdnjái,
miehtemurrii álo njáskat
Johka ieš min šaldi
Buhtes čáhci, sáivaluohti

Land is the question, the answer is land
Only take what’s needed
Scoop the water along the stream,
cut the branches along the grain
Let the river be the bridge
Clean water, the sacred song

Komponista/ Composer: Frode Fjellheim
Dajahusat/ Text: Jenni Laiti, Niillas Holmberg,
Outi Pieski (Rájácummá divttaid vuođul)




Winter come again


Komponista/ Composer: Frode Fjellheim




The Lukin mountain


Luukin vää´rr lij go ceerkavena
Suu´pp má´te lij go paappáena
A suála- vää´rr lie go vooltárena
Kuózz ååuśa lie go tuóvvásena

The Lukin Mountain was like a church
an aspen tree was like a priest
The Isle Mountains were like an alter
the cones of spruce were like candles

Árbevirolaš leudd maid  Anfisa Ivanova Gerasimova oahpahii.
Traditional leudd taught by Anfisa Ivanova Gerasimova.
Arr.: Frode Fjellheim




Eccos from the Leaibe river


Komponista/ Composer: Elle Sofe Sara
Arr.: Frode Fjellheim




The white reindeer

Komponista/ Composer: Frode Fjellheim ja árbevirolaš luohti maid oahpahii Anna Nilsson Lasko Árjjetpluovis eret (voksarullabádden Karl Tirén).
Frode Fjellheim and traditional yoik by Anna Nilsson Laskos from Arjeplog (wax roll by Karl Tirén).




The Great Northern Mountain


Stoerre vaerie
Söökes leah kraesieh
Aaltoeh miesieh gåatoeminie
Daate lea stoerre vaerien vuelie

The Great Northern Mountain
Lush is the grass
The female reindeers and the calves grazes
This is the yoik of The Great Northern Mountain

Árbevirolaš vuelie maid oahpahii Gaebpien-Njaita Charlotta.
Traditional vuelie as taught by Gaebpien-Njaita Charlotta.
Arr.: Frode Fjellheim




Farewell Beahcán-tundra

Báhcet dearvan,
báhcet dearvan Beahcán duoddarat
Dál mii fertet din maid guođđit
Ii lean ruoktu, ii lean ruoktu gosa bođiimet
Buot lei amas,
buot lei vieris gosa bođiimet.

Boardat ala čuoččahii
ja juoiggadii dan luođi
go fertii vuolgit,
fertii guođđit
Báhcet dearvan ráhkis duoddarat

Farewell Beahcán tundras,
farewell Beahcán tundras
Now we have to leave you
No home, no home where we arrived
Everyhing was unknown
and strange where we arrived

She stood on the stairs
and yoiked the yoik
When she had to leave,
had to leave behind
Farewell dear tundras

Árbevirolaš luohti maid Ivvár Niillas rohkki oahpahii.
Traditional yoik as taught by Nils I. Porsanger.